Ministry Scholarships
Disciples Home Missions or DHM has several different DHM ministry scholarships for Christian studies available. These ministries scholarships are available to students who intend to become ministers and minister’s wives. In fact, there is specific Christian ministry scholarships available for those who intend to go into specialized ministry as well.
The first DHM Scholarship that you need to be aware of is the Disciple Chaplain’s Scholarship, which is available for first year seminary students. Students who apply for this Christian scholarship for ministry are not required to make a commitment to a chaplain program. The Rowley/Wolfe Ministerial Education Scholarship is also available through the DHM for seminary students.
There are race and gender specific ministry scholarships for Christians available through the DHM as well. If you are an African American, you may be eligible for the African American Scholarship Fund, and the Star Supporter Scholarship is also available for African Americans who intend to become ministers. This particular fund also has a loan program.
The David Tamotsu Kagiwada Memorial Scholarship is available for Asian-American students who are ministerial students. Another ministry scholarship that is available for seminary students of either Asian or Pacific Islander descent is the Soongook Choi Scholarship. This particular Christian scholarship, however, is available for those who are planning ministry in a multi-racial community.
The Katherine J. Schutze Memorial Scholarship is available for female seminary students, and the Michelle Jackson Scholarship is available for African-American women who seek a life in ministry.
Additionally, through the DHM, you can apply for the Edwin G. and Lauretta M. Michael Scholarship, which is available for the wives of ministers. This ministry scholarship is for special minister’s wives – those who put their own educations on hold so that their husbands could complete their theological educations.
If you will be focusing on youth ministries, you can apply for the Lloyd and Iva Mattison Youth Ministry Scholarship through the DHM. If you will be enrolled in a seminary program or a graduate ministerial program at the University of Chicago Divinity School, the Union Theological Seminary, the Vanderbilt Divinity School, or the Yale Divinity School, you may be eligible for the James M. Philputt
Memorial Scholarship and this fund also has a loan program available.
Other DHM scholarships for ministry of education that you may be interested in include the HELM financial aid program, which is administered through the Disciples of Christ and which is available for undergraduate and doctorate programs, and the full tuition fellowship offered by Eureka College.
All of these Christian ministry scholarships can be applied for with one application, through the DHM by going to – ministry scholarships. If you want to be certain that a particular scholarship is included with the single application, you will need to contact the DHM directly.
Note that some ministry scholarship opportunities will have eligibility requirements other than being a seminary student, or being of a certain race or gender as well, and funds available for each Christian scholarship will vary, based on the funds that are available for each year, and the number of available scholarships for ministry education that will be awarded from each fund will also vary based on availability of funds.
Related Reading
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Those women who want to enter the field of national security may want to consider the Homeland Security moms scholarships known as the Horizons scholarship. This security scholarship is for all women not just moms and should be applied to if you’re a female who plans to enter the field of defense and it makes a great mom scholarship nevertheless.
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Now I am interested in studying MBA/related fields to be a knowledgeable and skill full professional in global business condition and local business administration strategies and practices of business creation.
Hopefully since I am financially insufficient to achieve this personal objective, I am very glad to search for full scholarships in your university.
Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.
you must apply to any Christian scholarship to see if you qualify for it.
I have a keen desire of joining a bible college therefore I request your organization possibly to sponsor me for this subject matter.
we do not offer sponsorship’s. Have you considered bursaries? They are need based and easy to get. Try first from your own government.
I am a radicle Christian Pastor: “Mathai Cheriyan Mannucheril” the President of “Action By Faith, Inc.” and “Salem Assembly of God” the Church Planting Ministry, around the world. We have a plan “Biblical Christian International Faith Home:” it is just a compass for elderly people those have no children, in USA. Looking on grant money to build shelters for them, so the grant money use for as grant.
“Action By Faith, Inc.” ABFI is a 501(c) (3) Nonprofit Religious & Charitable organization in USA. “Tax ID: 251881397”, DUN. ID: 09554911. At 8037 Mount Carmel Road, Verona, PA-15147, USA: call at office 412 246 9704, cell 412 246 9704 E-mail: mmmannucheril2@gmail.com. http://www.actionbyfaithinc.org
We are seeking a help for help people and for their development in very rural area through our Church Planting. Since 51 full years as my fulltime I am serving, I never received any salary in my life, living by “faith”. I have Pastors under my Church Planting Ministry those are very qualified, to serve the people who are needs. So I need grant money, we may able to develop people from third world in very rural area, even in USA, Through Church Planting Ministry to build small level cost, beginning schools building, and help orphan and building, and widows, shelter for elderly people, small church halls. Share food and medicines. I need help please do what you can.
The following reimbursements make them ultimate to reach each a very rural village of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Africa under our Action by Faith, Inc. At present we are strongly focused in India. Its name is “Salem Assembly of God”is a “Church Planting Ministry” to build very rural area among very poor and we are registered with government of India, for directly the development programs, and it is one of the wings “Action By Faith, Inc.” ABFI is a 501(c) (3) Nonprofit Religious & Charitable organization in USA.
All donations and grants to “Action By Faith, Inc.” are income tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information: 8037 Mount Carmel Road, Verona, PA 15147-1525, or call at office 412 246 9704, cell 412 246 9704 E-mail:mmmannucheril2@gmail.com .
Meet The Founder Mathai Cheriyan Mannucheril (Pastor) is 51 years working full time for social and religious, a full Gospel Christian Minister You can see him in writing on Facebook! Please make a grant for our Church plant.
Very sincerely
Rev. Mathai Cheriyan Mannucheril.
Rev. Mathai C. Mannucheril,
here’s your post. I hope this helps you too!
you must apply to as many scholarships as you can to see if you qualify. You may want to look into college bursaries.