IOKDS Scholarships
There are plenty of wonderful IOKDS Scholarships for Christian students available, and worth checking into. If you aren’t familiar with this organization, IOKDS stands for International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons. Their Christian scholarship program has been in place since 1976, offering funds to those that are pursuing an education in a variety of fields; one being the medical or dental fields.
This organization is comprised of Interdenominational Christian service programs, and they have over 5000 members. The goal of this organization is to help others according to the book of Mark in the Bible. Most of the members are involved in medical services, social work, or operating child care programs. They want to be able to promote helping others, so they branch out as much as possible.
All applications must be requested by sending a letter to the address on their website. All completed applications must be postmarked no later than April 1st annually to be considered. The funding for these International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons Christian scholarships comes from different members of IOKDS, and that dollar amount varies annually.
To help increase the funds available, the members often take part in various fundraisers throughout the year. This includes dinners, tennis tournaments, dances, and garage sales.
Once the amount of money on hand is determined, then the number of IOKDS scholarships that will be awarded can be determined. The more money they have, the more people they can help that need funding for college.
The IOKDS scholarship for Christian students amounts are for $1,000 and a person can apply every year that they are still eligible for the funding, so it isn’t a one-time offer. There is also no age limit for anyone that wishes to apply.
All applicants must be considering a degree in the medical or dental field. This includes various branches too such as pharmacy and occupational therapy. All applicants must be a citizen of the United States or Canada to qualify. They also have to be enrolled in an accredited program that fits into the determined categories.
All applicants must be in at least their 3rd year of such a program. Pre-med students aren’t eligible for IOKDS scholarship funds. Applicants in a M.D. or D.S.S. program must be in at least the second year of their program to apply and qualify for the funding.
Your future career in medicine or dental care is important, and finding a way to pay for those classes is a huge step in that process. Looking at the available IOKDS scholarships can help you to bridge the difference between the cost of your education and what you have to pay out of your own pocket. Every little bit of money that is offered to you through International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons Christian scholarships helps!